主 题:A Review of Sampling Algorithms on Unequal Probability Sampling Without Replacement (UPSWOR) Designs
卢文,博士,加拿大阿卡迪亚大学(Acadia University)数学和统计系教授 。研究领域包括survey sampling, computational statistics and applied statistics等。主持多个加拿大国家基金项目,在包括世界顶级刊物Journal of the American Statistical Association (JASA)等在内的多个国际刊物发表论文。
We will have a thorough look at the fundamental features of sampling designs and their most recent development and implementation, while introducing our own UPSWOR algorithm. We will use a simulation study to evaluate its performance compared to that of Conditional Poisson Sampling (CPS), which is also claimed to be a Maximum Entropy Design.
时 间:5月5日(周日)13:30-16:00
地 点:望D218
主 办:跨境电子商务学院、科学技术学院